The Ultimate Guide to Amateur Esports Competitions

Preparing for an eSports tournament.

Esports have soared in popularity over the years, and it is not just the buzzing professional scene. The amateur esports community also thrives, offering gaming enthusiasts many opportunities. Whether you are a casual gamer looking to step up your game or an aspiring pro, amateur esports tournaments provide a platform for all.

This article delves deeper into various facets of amateur esports — from their significance to how you can participate.

What is the importance of amateur esports?

Amateur esports tournaments are crucial for various reasons. They are the stepping stone for aspiring professional players, providing a competitive platform for honing and discovering talents. Many professional players owe their beginnings to amateur competitions.

For game developers, these tournaments are fertile grounds for identifying potential enhancements and understanding player preferences. Sponsors and organizations also use amateur events for talent scouting, brand promotions, and audience engagement. Amateur tournaments give these entities valuable metrics on player behaviour, game mechanics, and more.

Types of amateur esports tournaments

Amateur esports tournaments are a diverse lot. Some are small local competitions organized by community groups or schools. Others might be more significant online events that are open to international participants. You could find yourself competing against people from another part of the globe.

These tournaments can also differ based on game genre — first-person shooters, multiplayer online battle arenas, sports simulations, etc. Prizes in amateur tournaments vary significantly, ranging from merchandise and in-game skins to cash awards.

The table below showcases some well-known amateur esports tournaments, their associated games, prize pools, and whether they are conducted online or offline.

Tournament Name


Prize Pool


DreamHack OpenVarious$100,000Offline
FACEIT Community CupsCS:GO, Dota 2In-game itemsOnline
Go4Various€500 – €2,000Online
Collegiate StarleagueVariousScholarshipsOnline&offline

The table illustrates that multiple avenues exist for engaging in amateur esports across various games and formats. The choice between online and offline, or the kind of prize you are eyeing, can be tailored to your preference.

Why are amateur esports popular?

Several compelling reasons account for the booming popularity of amateur esports tournaments:

  • Accessibility. These tournaments are open to almost anyone. You do not need to be an expert to participate, making the field diverse and inclusive.
  • Skill building. Playing against various opponents in a structured environment helps improve your game mechanics, strategy, and teamwork.
  • Networking. These tournaments offer an opportunity to meet people who share the same passion. Many players find their future teammates or even career opportunities through these events.
  • Prizes and recognition. Winning or participating can earn you various rewards, from in-game items to real-world merchandise.
  • Community engagement. Being part of a tournament fosters a sense of community. Players often engage more deeply with the game and its player base.

The attraction of amateur esports tournaments lies in their multifaceted benefits. Whether it is skill enhancement, networking, or simply the joy of competition, these tournaments offer an enriching experience for all involved.

How to get started?

To dive into amateur esports, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a game. Pick a game you enjoy and are passionate about.
  2. Research tournaments. Look for tournaments that suit your skill level and interest.
  3. Team up. Either create your own team or join an existing one.
  4. Practice. Allocate time for regular practice sessions to improve your skills.
  5. Register. Sign up for a tournament that aligns with your interests and capabilities.
  6. Participate and learn. Attend the tournament, learn from your experiences, and aim for improvement.

Starting your journey in amateur esports is more manageable than it may seem. Following these structured steps sets you up for an enriching and educational experience. No matter your skill level, there is an opportunity for everyone to compete, learn, and grow.


Amateur esports tournaments are more than just games. They are an evolving culture and a launchpad for aspiring professionals. Whether you are in it for the prizes, the love of the game, or the camaraderie, there is something for everyone. Do not just be a spectator; be a part of this exciting world.

Are you ready to elevate your gaming experience to a whole new level? Sign up for an amateur esports tournament today and begin your journey in the competitive gaming landscape.